Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I was just reading one of my favorite blogs, Southern Circle of Hell. She has inspired me to work really hard to get back into shape for my BIG birthday in February. I have struggled with my weight ever since having my two beautiful children, who are now 12 and almost 15. I'm feeling the pressure of turning 40 and NOT wanting to be overweight anymore. I know that I can do it because I lost 40 pounds when we first moved to Alabama. I just needed something to really motivate me - not like having to take bp & cholesterol meds wasn't enough.

So, the countdown to 40 begins. I have 16 weeks to really make a difference. While I won't post my actual weight, I will post how much I have lost each week. Look for weekly updates beginning October 24th.


saintseester said...

I'm right there with you, girl!

azn8tive said...

I'm freaking out right now. Just took my bp and it's 135/95 - on meds. Maybe I just need to get some rest.

Big Pissy said...

Awwwww.....I inspired you?!?!?

That's so cool!

Good luck....it's really all about making up your mind to do it....I spent my 40's overweight and decided there was no reason for that to continue.

Maybe you should check with your doctor before starting a weight loss plan...just to be on the safe side.

p.s. My blood pressure has always been low.....90/60...weird, huh?