Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Just go with it...

Laundry, packing and everything that comes with going out of town.

That's what I've been doing since the ILs left yesterday.

I feel out of control...

Usually, I've got all the laundry done and have done the preliminary packing. But not this time.

And now, I'm stressing about being among strangers with the threat of H1N1 hovering. I REALLY don't like crowds.

Guess what else I'm adding to the suitcase...

Lots of hand sanitizer and Lysol!

I know that everything will go swimmingly and the kids will have a GRAND time.


Big Pissy said...

Oh! Your blog is so pretty! Love the new look. The font is cool too. :)

Have fun and get yourself a face mask just to be on the safe side. ;-)

azn8tive said...

Thank you!

Our trip has been cancelled due to an outbreak of H1N1 flu in the school system. My son is very disappointed, so we're working on making it up to him due to the fact that we don't go back to school until May 4th.

saintseester said...

Masks are not very effective at preventing you from catching something. They are most effective if the sick wear them to contain their germs, etc.

Sorry about the trip.

azn8tive said...

Thanks, 'seester! That is true about the masks.

This is such a mess!!!