Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wondering why...

some people are unwilling to step up to the plate.

I received a phone call from my former boss this afternoon asking how to program the school's phones. WTF?!?!?! I'm thinking why isn't she having her bookkeeper/secretary handling this, since the woman knows everything anyway (no love lost there). However being the nice, polite person that I am, I told my former employer where to find said information because heaven knows I purged all that irrelevant information. She thanked me and hung up.

Meanwhile, I'm sitting at the computer wondering why she felt it necessary to call and ask me something that one of her current employees could've handled.

Who knows and I've already wasted too much time pondering it.

I'm not there and I'm NOT going back!!! I'm thoroughly enjoying being at home and have several projects underway, not to mention the fact that I'm swamped with stuff for Band and preparing for the kiddos I'll be keeping come January.

Funny...I'm much busier now than I was when I was employed outside the home.


saintseester said...

The same thing happened to me when I left Athens last year. The secretary called me about something like book orders. I don't remember; I just remember thinking, this ain't my responsibility no more.

Michelle said...

You know they totally want you there taking care of all of the work.

azn8tive said...

I know, but that isn't gonna happen. I didn't leave my cell number with them b/c I didn't want them to be able to reach me all the time. They'll just have to make do with the resources that they have, which isn't much! Mwahahahaha!!!

Bo said...

If they persist, tell 'em your consulting wage is $135 hourly, paid in advance, with a 3-hour minimum.

azn8tive said...

Bo - Thanks, I'll remember that. I think my former boss would faint!