Monday, September 15, 2008


You Would Be Voted Most Popular

When you were in school, you were a very popular person.

And this means popular with every crowd, not just the cool kids.

You were friendly, active, and outgoing. You knew almost everyone.

In real life, you should be able to benefit from your great networking skills.

Ummmm...what?! Maybe now, but not in high school. I kept pretty much to myself. The only reason I know so many people is because of my previous position in the school system - elementary school receptionist. I've met EVERYONE in our community! I don't know if this is a good thing or not - but it may come in handy one day. ;)

I stole this one from saintseester.

1 comment:

saintseester said...

Mine pegged me pretty good - I was a brain. At least that was what people said.