Friday, February 20, 2009


Is it wrong to wish for the end of the school year when there are still more than THREE months left in it?! I'm exhausted from trying to juggle the work of two people in addition to maintaining a household, raising two well-behaved, well-adjusted teenagers and being the proper wife for my Hubby.

I'm beginning to wonder if it's not time for change for me because I'm worn out and dread getting up every morning at 5:30am.

In reality, I only have to muddle through the next 10 months because come next January I'll be taking care of a co-worker's new bundle of joy. I am thrilled that she approached me about this - knowing that I long to be a SAHM, again.

I try not to whine or complain, but...

I'm TIRED of being tired!!!


saintseester said...

I know how you feel. I always longed for summer, even when I am not working a lot just because it relaxes the schedule.

Dejoni said...

Me too. I should have been a teacher. I hate working summers.
Now that I think of it, I hate working, period.