Thursday, July 17, 2008


Yep! That's me. I'm such a sucker! I have been misled by my boss. Working for the school system, one knows that one is at the beck and call of the board of education. I found out at the end of the last school year that my contract wouldn't be renewed. No problem, right?! Wrong!

I was assured by my boss that I would have a job and that I'd be paid out of local school funds. The way that it was explained to me is that I'd only be losing 5 hours/week. What I have found out is that I'll be losing 20 hours/week. Ummm...What?! Needless to say, I'm less than pleased. I return to work on July 31st. I intend to find out exactly what my hours and pay will be. Be assured that if they are not what I want - 30+ hours (which is what I was reassured I would be getting) - I will be resigning.

I am very upset that my boss felt it was necessary to mislead me about my position. I will feel no remorse about resigning on the spot when I find out what my hours/pay will be. Actually, I'm looking forward to being a SAHM again!

P.S. I think the Hubby and kids are looking forward to me being at home again, too. More home-cooked meals and treats will reappear. :)

1 comment:

saintseester said...

I do not blame you one bit for being very upset about the whole thing. Losing more than half your hours without being told upfront is gross.