Wednesday, June 13, 2007

And so it begins...

D and I just got home from our first (of many) orthodontist appointments. Today's appointment was to put in spacers - those things they put between your teeth to make room for the bands. Funny...I don't recall ever having to do the 'spacer' thing. I do remember having to wear that awful thing - the headgear - to correct an overbite for a couple of years before getting braces. Thank goodness D doesn't have to wear one of those.

Being the 'good' parents that we are, dad and I told D that her mouth would likely be sore after today's appointment. She comes waltzing out less than 5 minutes after we get to the ortho's office saying "That didn't hurt a bit. I don't know what you and Dad were talking about." *snicker* She'll be up during the night wanting pain meds 'cuz her mouth hurts.

Hmmm...wonder how next Thursday's appointment will go. Better stock up on lots of soft, easy to eat foods - i.e. ice cream and yogurt.


saintseester said...

I never had braces, but I can imagine that it would hurt.

azn8tive said...

Both hubby and I had headgears/braces/retainers. The only time I remember it really bugging me was when the braces were initially put on or when I broke a wire. Same for hubby.

So far the spacers don't seem to be bothering the girl.